ABCD Medical FAQ Image

Q1: Who is ABCD Medical Organization?

ABCD Medical is a team of medical professionals and healthcare experts who are dedicated to providing accurate, up-to-date information on a wide range of medical topics.

Q2: What type of Articles/Blogs do we Publish?

We publish evidence-based medical articles, which are based on the latest research and findings in the field of medicine, that covers a diverse range of topics that are pertinent to the health and well-being of individuals. Our articles aim to educate and inform our readers about various aspects of medical science, including diseases, health, public health, medical guidelines, and lifestyle. 

We understand that the field of medicine is constantly evolving, and new information becomes available regularly. Therefore, we make it our priority to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and findings in the field of medical science. This allows us to provide our readers with accurate and reliable information that is based on scientific evidence and best practices.

We cover a broad range of medical topics, including the causes, symptoms, and treatments of various diseases. Our articles aim to explain complex medical concepts in an easy-to-understand language, making it accessible to all readers, regardless of their background in medical science.

In addition to covering diseases, we also focus on health and wellness, providing our readers with tips and strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We understand the importance of preventative medicine and strive to educate our readers about the best practices to maintain their physical and mental health.

We also discuss public health topics, including emerging infectious diseases, vaccination campaigns, and epidemiological studies. We aim to educate our readers about the public health challenges facing society and the measures that can be taken to mitigate their impact.

Medical guidelines play a critical role in providing the best care to patients. Our articles often explore the guidelines developed by various medical organizations and institutions. We discuss the rationale behind these guidelines and how they can be used to improve patient outcomes.

Finally, we explore lifestyle choices and how they impact health. We cover topics such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management, and their effects on overall well-being. We provide evidence-based recommendations on how to adopt healthy lifestyle habits to prevent chronic diseases and improve overall health.

Q3: What is Evidence-Based Medicine?

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is an approach to medical practice that involves the integration of the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. Evidence-based medical articles are articles that are based on this approach, using the best available evidence to inform clinical decision-making and practice.

These articles are grounded in research and are designed to be as unbiased as possible. They take into account the totality of available evidence, including randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses, in order to provide the most reliable information on a given topic. This approach is particularly important in the rapidly evolving field of medicine, where new research is constantly emerging.

When we write evidence-based medical articles, we use a rigorous process to ensure that our content is accurate and reliable. We begin by conducting a thorough literature search, using a range of reputable sources including peer-reviewed medical journals, established medical guidelines, relevant medical literature and publications, and reputable medical textbooks. 

Q4: What is the Accuracy of our Blogs/Articles?

At our medical blog, we take the accuracy of our content very seriously, as we understand the critical role it plays in informing and educating our readers. To achieve this, we have a multi-step review process in place to ensure that each article is thoroughly checked for accuracy and clarity.

Our team of experienced medical writers uses reputable sources, such as peer-reviewed medical journals and established medical guidelines, to write informative and evidence-based articles on various medical topics. After the initial draft is completed, it is sent to our editors for a thorough review.

Our editors and proofreaders are experts in their fields, and they meticulously examine each article to confirm its accuracy and eliminate any typographical errors, grammatical mistakes, or other issues that could affect the clarity or credibility of the content.

During the review process, our editors and proofreaders also pay attention to the structure and organization of the article, ensuring that it follows a logical flow and is easy to understand for readers of all backgrounds.

If necessary, our team may also consult with medical experts to confirm the accuracy of the information presented in the article. Once the review process is complete, the article is published on our website, ready for our readers to access.

Q5: Medical Data/Parameters/Values 

Medical data, parameters, and values refer to readings obtained during medical tests and examinations. Refer to medical readings such as blood pressure, where the parameter is blood pressure, the value is the normal reading of 120/80 mmHg, and data refers to how the blood pressure reading is interpreted for diagnosis based on various guidelines.

Q5.1: What is the importance of medical data, parameters, and values?

Medical data, parameters, and values are important for diagnosing and monitoring various medical conditions. They provide healthcare professionals with important information to make informed decisions about patient care.

Q5.2: How are medical data, parameters, and values obtained?

Medical data, parameters, and values are obtained through various medical tests and examinations such as blood tests, imaging scans, and physical examinations.

Q5.3: Can medical data, parameters, and values vary from person to person?

Yes, medical data, parameters, and values can vary from person to person based on factors such as age, gender, medical history, and other individual factors.

Q6: Medical Guidelines and Criteria

Medical guidelines and criteria are developed by various medical organizations and institutions to provide evidence-based recommendations on how to diagnose, manage, and treat various medical conditions. Our articles often explore these guidelines and the criteria used to make medical decisions. We aim to provide our readers with a comprehensive understanding of these guidelines, including the rationale behind them and how they can be applied to improve patient outcomes.

Medical guidelines are developed by reputable medical organizations and institutions, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Medical Association (AMA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These organizations typically consist of medical experts and researchers who are knowledgeable in the specific area of medicine being addressed by the guideline. They review and analyze current medical literature and research studies to develop the most current and accurate recommendations.

Our articles explore these guidelines in detail and provide a breakdown of the criteria used to diagnose and treat specific medical conditions. We strive to present this information in an easy-to-understand language to ensure that our readers can comprehend the guidelines and apply them to their own health care.

It's important to keep in mind that guidelines are developed based on the available evidence and may change as new evidence emerges. Therefore, healthcare providers should regularly review and update their practice to ensure that they are providing the most current and effective care to their patients.

Q7: Medications 

We provide information about commonly used medications in our blog articles to help our readers understand their treatment options. However, it's important to note that the information we provide is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Every individual's medical condition is unique, and the appropriate medication can only be determined by a healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider will consider various factors such as your medical history, allergies, and current medications before prescribing a medication. They will also monitor your health and adjust your medication as needed to ensure the best possible outcome.

It's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any medications or supplements. Some medications may cause allergies and side effects, while others can have dangerous adverse effects when combined with other medications. It's crucial to discuss all of your medications, including over-the-counter medications and supplements, with your healthcare provider to prevent any potential harm.

Q8: Reliability of our Blogs/Articles

At our medical blog, we are committed to providing reliable and accurate medical information to our readers. We understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest medical literature and guidelines to ensure the reliability of our content.

However, it's essential to understand that the information we provide is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. While we strive to present information that is evidence-based and accurate, every individual's medical situation is unique, and professional medical advice is always recommended.

We encourage our readers to consult with their healthcare providers before making any decisions related to their health or starting any new treatments or medications. Your healthcare provider will be able to provide you with personalized advice based on your specific medical history and current health status.

Additionally, it's important to note that medical knowledge is continually evolving, and new information becomes available regularly. We make every effort to update our articles with the latest information and research findings. Still, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, as changes in medical knowledge may occur rapidly.

Q9: What are the reference sources that we use for our Blog/Articles?

As a provider of evidence-based medical articles, we are committed to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our content. To achieve this, we rely on a variety of sources that are recognized as being authoritative in the medical community.

One of the primary sources we utilize is peer-reviewed medical journals. These journals are published after rigorous evaluation by experts in the field to ensure the quality, accuracy, and relevance of the research presented. We also consult established medical guidelines, which provide evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various medical conditions.

In addition, we gather data from relevant medical literature and publications that are regularly updated to reflect the latest research findings and medical advances. We also consult reputable medical textbooks that are written and reviewed by experts in their respective fields.

To ensure that we are providing our readers with the most current and accurate information, we also gather data from respected organizations in the medical field. These organizations include the World Health Organization (WHO), which provides global health data and information on disease outbreaks and pandemics. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information on public health issues, including disease surveillance, prevention, and control.

We also consult the International Classification of Diseases (IDC), which is a standardized system used to classify and code medical diagnoses and procedures. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides information on drugs and medical devices, including safety alerts, approvals, and recalls.

We also utilize resources such as UpToDate, PubMed, the Cochrane Library,, and MedlinePlus, which are reputable online databases that provide access to peer-reviewed medical literature, clinical trials, systematic reviews, and evidence-based medical information.

Lastly, we consult the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Medical Association (WMA), which are respected organizations that provide information on medical research, ethics, and standards of care.

By utilizing information from these various sources, we are able to provide our readers with the most up-to-date and accurate information available. This ensures that our content is evidence-based, trustworthy, and reliable.